Monday, April 16, 2018

Are Tongue Scrapers Necessary?

Using A Tongue Scraper

Tongue scraping is the practice of brushing the tongue in order to remove the bacteria, dead cells, food residues and toxins from the tongue’s surface. Tongue scraping can be done using a common toothbrush, but as toothbrushes are designed to clean even the smallest space between the teeth and the tongue’s surface being large, the process is more efficient if you use a wider scraper or brush designed especially for being used on the tongue. Here are some of the benefits of using a tongue scraper regularly:

  •  It eliminates bad breath – halitosis is not necessarily caused by decaying teeth, it can be caused by the bacteria that accumulate on the tongue as well. Tongue scrapers can remove all those bacteria in a gentle and efficient manner.
  • A keener sense of taste – tongue scraping frees the taste buds from the toxic mucous that might diminish their sensitivity.

  • A boost for the immune system – the tongue is in the body’s first line of defense. Scraping ensures that it performs well by preventing the toxins that gather on the tongue from being reabsorbed by the body.

  • Improved dental health – the fewer the bacteria in your mouth, the lower the risk of developing gum disease, infections of the oral cavity, tooth decay and plaque.  As with anything following the advice of alicensed dentist Centennial offers is recommended.