Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Whiten Your Teeth Easily And Naturally, At Home

Home Remedies For Whitening Teeth
The perfect white Hollywood smile is a dream for many people. However, a professional dentist Littleton CO whitening treatment is not so cheap and many cannot afford it. Coffee, beets, or red wine – these are just a few of the foods that cause teeth stains. To restore the whiter shade, specialists recommend some natural tricks.
Activated coal
Activated coal represents one of the cheapest teeth whitening methods. Apply coal powder on a wet brush and clean your teeth as you do every day.
Powdered milk mixed with toothpaste
Put the toothpaste on the brush, add some powdered milk and perform your normal cleaning  routine. Your teeth will get a pearly aspect. Use this combination a couple of times per week.
Hydrogen peroxide
If your teeth are too sensitive, you should avoid using this solution, as it may affect your enamel. Otherwise, you can soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and use it to gently rub your teeth.
Toothpaste, sea salt and lemon juice
Mix a small amount of toothpaste with a few drops of lemon juice and salt (half a teaspoon). Apply the mixture on your teeth and let it work for one minute. Rinse your mouth thoroughly. Do not use this mixture too often, as lemon juice also affects the enamel.