Friday, November 2, 2018

Why Is It So Important to Be Honest with Your Dentist?

Tell The Truth About Your Dental Hygiene Habits
When you think about visiting a dentist for invisalign Littleton area, the real problem isn’t always the condition you’re facing or the cavity that needs to be taken care of. Instead, it’s whether or not you were straightforward and honest when answering the dentist’s questions about your dental hygiene habits.

Studies have revealed that a surprising number of patients are actually dishonest when speaking about their activities relating to their teeth. Do you floss? Did you brush your teeth this morning? Do you use a fluoride-based toothpaste? These are just some of the questions that people tend to avoid answering truthfully.

However, even though the honest answers can make you feel ashamed at your lack of motivation and inability to follow your dentist’s instructions, it can do something more important: it’ll tell the dentist exactly what was wrong, so they can adjust any recommendations they’d give you based on your own unique preferences and circumstances.

It won’t really help you to avoid the truth just because it seems “bad.” Instead, being honest will provide you with the full support of your dentist and gain their trust. It will also ensure that all the measures will be taken to make sure you get the best level of assistance and the most suitable dental procedures for your specific case.